Opes Group & Company

ESG Deals

Circular Economy and Sustainable Business Practices

ESG Deals

A business that excels across all components of ESG can attract more interest, investment, and higher multiples, whereas businesses with weak ESG credentials may find themselves undervalued. Many stakeholders and shareholders exert pressure on their money managers to account for and report on investment decisions from an ESG perspective. Demonstrating ESG compliance, commitment, and transparency naturally elevates deal value while contributing to the well-being of people and the planet.

Opes Group incorporates an ESG framework into our deal valuation, establishing minimum standards that companies are expected to adhere to. This framework is an integral part of both the due diligence process and post-acquisition stewardship. We can assist you in integrating ESG into the deal process, ensuring that the appropriate analysis is conducted to focus on what’s materially relevant.

With ESG factors gaining increasing importance for accessing new capital and debt, some deal evaluators now consider them equal to financial measures. Our professionals collaborate across functions to regularly assess and enhance potential ESG financing options, identify potential lenders, and prepare companies for their sale, merger, or acquisition.

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